
Sex, is it vital to any relationship?

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Sex, its on every one's mind.

Should I have sex today? Should I have sex tomorrow? Should I have sex in 5 minutes? Should I put it in this hole? Should I try it with a friend? Should I try it with the same sex?

These are just some questions on every one's mind. But, is it really vital?

Sure, we need to repopulate the Earth, but these days we use sex for something else.

Pure pleasure.

Do we really need it in all relationships?

Sex can complicate things in a relationship, but it can go the opposite way and help improve the relationship.

One partner might expect too much.

One partner may be sex driven.

One partner may rape.

Really though, I just don't get it. why do we need sex in our contemporary relationships. Anyone here have an answer? Hello?

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Peace out guys!


Bong Bashers

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Near my work, there are always these stoners that come in. They order heaps of food, 20 Cheeseburgers, 15 Big Macs and 20 Large fries was the biggest order I got from these stoners. They're always so cranky and aggressive, I remember one time they threw a pickle at me!

I just don't get it though, why turn the drugs in the first place? To get a quick buzz? To escape from normal life? To look cool in front of your friends? All of these things aren't at all healthy. People who do drugs for the hell of it are just...... well fucked up. I mean, sure there are drugs for those who actually need them, but if people abuse drugs and use them for leisure.

What. The. Fuck?

What do you guys think? Post us a comment!

Peace out k?



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I'm sure many of us have been in relationships, I sure have. in fact, I'm in one right now, its just like all the other relationships:
We go on dates
We spend time with eachother
We do things for eachother
And yeah, just couple stuff like that. But, there's only one small little difference. We're both guys, that's right I'm gay and I don't care what you think.

But, I just think that intolerence of people's sexuality, is just well shallow. We'll never be able to hold hands in public, kiss in public, go to romantic resturants and stuff like that, just because we're a little different. We would be insulted, we would be assualted. All you intolerent people out there I have one thing to say: Go fuck yourselves, get over yourselves and grow up. It's just simply stupid and shallow to hate someone because of their sexuality, call people offensive names like "poofta" or "faggot" just because they have the guts to kiss in public.

That's all for now, post us a comment and tell us what you think, but if you put something around the lines as: "FAGGOT!" Then that'll really prove how intolerent you are.